Solent Radio Group
A group of radio enthusiasts, including Amateur Radio, CB and Shortwave Listeners.
At least one of the group monitors 446.09375MHz and 145.3125MHz FM.
Solent Area Buy and Sell
Facilitates buying & selling radio equipment in the Solent area from Southampton, Winchester, Salisbury, Romsey, New Forest, Petersfield, Chichester and down.
GB7PO Repeater Group
GB7PO is a Fusion Repeater covering Portsmouth and surrounding areas.
C4FM Confusion Net
Group for the C4FM Confusion net that runs on the MT and PO repeaters on a Sunday evening. (Yaesu System Fusion)
South Hampshire Repeater Group
Facebook Group for GB3SH & GB3SU and also incorporating GB7MT & GB7IV
South Hampshire Repeater Group.